The Effects of Combat Deployments on Veterans' Outcomes (with Jesse Bruhn, Kyle Greenberg, Evan Rose, and Yotam Shem-Tov). Journal of Political Economy, August 2024.
Final Draft. NBER WP 30622. Replication Files. Coverage: NBER Digest. BFI Summary. The Hill. Boston Globe.
The Speed of Earnings Responses to Taxation and the Role of Firm Labor Demand (with Simon Trenkle). Journal of Labor Economics, July 2024.
Final Draft. Replication Files. IZA DP13931.
Army Service in the All-Volunteer Era (with Kyle Greenberg, Adam Isen, Corbin Miller, and Richard Patterson). Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 2022.
Final Draft. Replication Files. Coverage: New York Times. Boston Globe. Senate Armed Services Committee.
The Promise and Pitfalls of Conflict Prediction: Evidence From Colombia and Indonesia (with Samuel Bazzi, Robert A. Blair, Christopher Blattman, Oeindrila Dube, and Richard Peck). Review of Economics and Statistics, July 2022.
Final Draft. NBER WP25980. Replication Data.
The Political Boundaries of Ethnic Divisions (with Samuel Bazzi). American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, January 2021.
Final Draft. NBER WP24625. CEPR DP12552. Replication Data. Coverage: AEA Research Highlight. Vox Dev Article.
Working Papers
When Institutions Interact: How the Effects of Unemployment Insurance are Shaped by Retirement Policies (with Pablo Guzman, Johannes Schmieder, Simon Trenkle, and Han Ye). Revisions Requested, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
NBER WP 31807. Coverage: NBER Featured Working Paper (Nov 8 2023).
Intergenerational Transmission of Occupation: Lessons from the United States Army (with Kyle Greenberg, Adam Isen, Corbin Miller, and Richard Patterson). Submitted.
NBER WP 33009. Coverage: NBER Featured Working Paper (Nov 14 2024).
Do Teams Perform Differently Under Black and Hispanic Leaders? Evidence from the Chicago Police Department (with Andrew Jordan and Taeho Kim). Submitted.
Selected Work in Progress
Path Dependence in the Labor Market: The Effects of Early Career Occupational Experience (with Jesse Bruhn, Jacob Fabian, Luke Gallagher, Adam Isen, and Aaron Phipps).
Police Partnerships (with Roman Rivera and Taeho Kim).
Accountability, State Capacity, and Public Goods (with Samuel Bazzi, Filipe Campante, Quoc-Anh Do, Radhika Goyal, and Karthik Muralidharan)